Daruma dolls

Daruma doll which made someone's wish come true
Daruma doll which is about to make someone's wish come true

Hello. How are you?

I gave face-to-face classes today. I enjoyed talking with my students, and I feel happy to see them doing well๐Ÿ˜Š

The topic of "daruma dolls" was brought up in the class. Daruma or dharuma dolls, Japanese tumbler dolls, are said to bring good luck. Here in Japan, the election for the House of Representatives is coming soon. Most candidates for election practice some superstitions to win the election. Daruma dolls are very popular among such people who want to make their wish come true. 

Daruma doll is modeled after Bodhidharma, who founded Zen Buddhism in the 6th century. Its shape without hands and feet is made to look like Bodhidharma sitting in zen meditation. 

Daruma always bounces back to upright position and stands up positively even if it tumbles, and it is considered a symbol of perseverance and achieving goals.

Did you notice there are a daruma with blank white eye and the other with black eye? In fact, there is a custom of painting in the left eye while making a wish, and filling in the right eye when the wish has been fulfilled.

Do you have some wish you would like to make come true? I recommend daruma doll to you๐Ÿ˜‰
