Hi. Are you enjoying or have you enjoyed the holidays?π
It's the third "Hatsu" series, "Hatsu-moude," the first visit to shrines or temples. At "Hatsu-moude," Japanese people pray for their happiness, good health, business prosperity etc. for one year. Most people do "Hatsu-moude" during the first days, January 1 to 3, which is called "sanganichi."
This is how we make a prayer at a shrine. Pass through the "Torii" gate, which means you enter the divine area. And wash your hands to purify yourselves at "Chozuya" or "Temizusha," purification fountain. Give a small offering. (It isn't polite to toss the money in the offering box.) And ring the bell, then do "ni-rei, ni-hakushu, ichi-rei," which means "bowing twice, clapping your hands twice, and bowing once again." And put your hands together to pray, and then bow again before you leave. At temples, you don't clap your hands; You just put your palms together, pray, and bow once.
I hope this helpsπ
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