"Setsubun" and "Risshun"

”Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" means "Devils out! Fortune in!"

Hello. How are you?😊

February the 3rd is "Setsubun" and the 4th is "Risshun" in Japan. "Setsubun" means the division of two seasons: winter and spring. And the next day "Risshun" is the first day of spring or the new year in Japanese old calendar. In the past, the new year used to start on "Risshun" in ancient Japan.

It's been believed that demons called "oni" come when the seasons change. "Setsubun" is held around February 3rd, when we have some rituals to expel evil spirits and bring in good fortune. We throw the roasted soy beans called "fuku-mame" with saying "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi" which means "Devils out! Fortune in!" And some people protect their houses against the devils by decorating the entrances with sardine heads and holly branches, which the devils "oni" dislike.

May the good fortune come to you☺️
