a pair of male and female "Hina" dolls called "Obina" and "Mebina"
Hi. It's "Hina-matsuri" on March 3rd😊
"Hina-matsuri" or Doll's Festival is one of the Japanese traditional events. We celebrate the festival to pray for girls' healthy growth and happiness. The Families with their daughters display dolls called "Hina-ningyo." It is believed that the dolls get rid of bad lucks and impurities of girls.
The decoration of "Hina" dolls represent the imperial court. Originally, the "Hina-ningyo" dolls used to be decorated on a tiered stand with 5 or 7 levels. And some families arrange dolls in such a traditional way, but others display fewer dolls or only the "obina" and "mebina" (emperor and empress dolls) at their houses.
Interestingly, the positions of the emperor and the empress dolls are different between Kansai and Kanto region. In Kansai, especially in Kyoto, the emperor is displayed on your right, and the empress on your left. It's based on the Japanese tradition that the left is superior. After the Meiji era, more families, especially in Kanto, follow the international courtesy that the right is superior.
Of course, it's not that which is correct or incorrect. Either way, it's the most important to decorate the dolls with love and enjoy the "Hina Doll's Festival"😃
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